compton acres dental practice, nottingham

0115 945 5664

Nottingham's Leading Dental Practice

Compton Acres Written Testimonials

“When I came to see you 6 months ago I explained that I was having problems with my ill fitting dentures, the discomfort and instability when talking or eating. What I failed to tell you was how miserable my life really was.

My dentures lived in my pocket wrapped in tissue, taken out and placed in my mouth when someone came to the door or if I was going out in public. I would eat without teeth, soft food or food that could be cut up and swallowed without tasting, never eating in front of anyone except my husband.

Going to family gatherings or sitting in restaurants watching other people eat and claiming to be a fussy eater. I stopped wearing lipstick so people would not look at my mouth and spent hours crying about the embarrassment and awkwardness of trying to talk and eat.You made me new dentures and gave me implants to secure them.

I’m still having minor adjustments made for comfort but now i’m experimenting with different foods that I can eat, I can eat stir fry without boiling the vegetables to a mush first, I can eat a biscuit without dunking it, I can crunch a biscuit straight from the packet. I can chew some nuts without putting them in the coffee grinder and eating them with a spoon.

With every visit the scope of food that I can eat expands. More importantly people keep asking me what’s happening because every time anyone looks at me I grin or smile, strangers think I have mental problem because I smile at them for no reason. The best thing of all is that my husband and friends are excited for me because they haven’t seen me this happy or smiley in the last 10 years.

I would like to say a huge Thank You to you and your team for giving me back my life and making me smile again.”

Tina Morgan

“I first went to see John Grummitt in June 2011 after recommendation from my sister and her husband. I had previously been a NHS patient of a dentist who had just retired for 15 years.

I had serious gum disease which had affected all of my teeth, some teeth were very loose, I had drifting of other teeth, badly receeding gums and the front top teeth had a really poor appearance. I had been told by another dentist that I would have to have all my top teeth extracted and dentures or implants (which i could not afford) were my only option.

Thank God I went to see John, He gave me an affordable alternative and I had 10 crowns fitted to my upper teeth which look amazing and have given me my confidence back.

Since then I cannot sing Johns praises loud enough and my teenage girls are now his patients as well as my mother. Thanks to all the staff at the practice, especially Dawn who makes everything tick over like a well oiled machine!!”

Nicky Boffin

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We can make bad smiles GOOD, and make good smiles BETTER ... together we can help you keep your smile for a lifetime. If you have any questions please call us for details.

Compton Acres Dental Practice, West Bridgford, Nottingham

Our Nottingham based purpose built, air conditioned dental surgery was opened in 1989 by the Secretary of State for Health and has received awards from the dental profession for the quality of care we offer and the way we inform our patients of our practice.

As you walk through the door you know you are receiving a completely new level of private dental care. Compton Acres Dental Practice reputation for affordable, quality dentistry has led to a client base stretching from West Bridgford, into Europe and beyond.

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